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Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism.

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Joseph’s Song

Joseph… His life is an Old Testament picture of JESUS. Thrown into a pit and sold into slavery by the very people he would have to deliver from a state of destitute and bondage. While experiencing persecution, Joseph never had the opportunity to tell his father the truth of what his brothers had really done.…

David Was Still The King👑

Mistakes in our walk don’t disqualify us from the call. It is the way we handle challenges, how we recover if we fall. Leadership is never easy, so be careful how you judge. A book without a cover is like a wife without true love. A hand without a glove. Like good coffee with no…

Roots, Bees, and Trees… Sincerely 🫶🌹✍️

These roots run so deep, yet there is healing in every line… Laughter that heals the soul, lyrics that ease the mind, with time… Who would’ve thought the seasons that I love, would become compasses that reveal the very nature of our FATHER up ABOVE… It’s impossible to ignore the times… I was once young……

The Host

Shaniqua Robinson

Shaniqua Robinson, is a mother, Minister, Mentor, and passionate lover of GOD. She has dedicated this platform to the work of helping and healing of people from all walks of life. She has overcame many obstacles in her own life and she has now devoted her service to sharing practical tools to advance in life. She has learned to turn tragedies into triumphant testimonies through transparency, love, and scripture based principles. Her greatest joy is knowing that her experience, be it good or bad, has inspired someone else to become better. If you are interested in connecting with Minister Robinson please send an email to <jesus.girl1@yahoo.com>. God Bless You!

In an Effort to reach and serve all viewers we have decided to present twice weekly. We air every Friday and Sunday at 7:00p.m. CST. Fridays we meet for “Freedom Fridays” these conversations include Bible based approach to freedom and walking in the liberty Jesus Christ has promised us all. On Sundays we deal with the nature of the soul, rightfully entitled “Soulful Soul-Care Sundays”. We really dig deep into the areas that may be troubling us, yet we ignore or pretend do not exist. We approach this day with grace, love, and kindness with hopes that listeners may leave with hope and encouragement. We look forward to having these candid conversations and having you join us. Every Friday and Sunday at 7:00p.m. CST.

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