David Was Still The KingšŸ‘‘

Mistakes in our walk donā€™t disqualify us from the call.

It is the way we handle challenges, how we recover if we fall.

Leadership is never easy, so be careful how you judge.

A book without a cover is like a wife without true love.

A hand without a glove.

Like good coffee with no mug.

Exposure done by GOD has the purpose to save a soul.

Nathan confronted David with a riddle, revealing who he truly wasšŸ˜Ŗ.

He couldā€™ve lied or shifted blame, but that is not what leaders do.

He repented, felt relented, and after GOD he pursued.

His cry was heard and GOD restored, and he never lost his crown.

When you find yourself slipping the proper posture is face pavement to the ground.

LORD I did it, Iā€™m the owner, wonā€™t prolong you any longer.

Heal my heart, deliver quickly, I canā€™t do it on my own.

See our FATHER HE IS HOLY and HE is seated on the throneā€¦

Donā€™t forget that HE IS LORD and HE can right, every wrongā€¦.

If you confess it, HE respects it, and brings honor to your name.

May your years moving forward be free from guilt or shame.

David gave us an example of how imperfect we can be.

But GOD showed us in imperfection why JESUS came to set us FREE.

HIS Blood is sufficient for any sin just call upon HIS name.

David did wrong and GOD forgave HIM, he would never be the same.

Skeptics may have been upset at GODā€™s final judgment you see.

Because even in his guilt GOD still left him as HIS king.

He was not without rebuke.

He was not without despair.

GOD loved David because in his heart he truly cared.

Grace and Mercy covered his call and thatā€™s how GOD does us all.

Not a green pass for more games.

Extended time so we can CHANGE.

May these words be your reminder that you can bounce back from anything.-Poem

Copyright- Shaniqua S. RobinsonĀ©ļø January 17,2024

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